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How wonderful it is to fully relax! Natural High Healing Festival brings you an array of individual healing treatments. We guarantee that after this weekend you will return home fully relaxed, recharged and happy. 


Piret Järve (Estonia) .

I am an intuitive caretaker. For as long as I remember my hands have known how to touch in a nursing way and how to help other people. As a caretaker I see the uniqueness and beauty in persons, and can thus enhance the natural flow of energy.

Body Whispering


Body Whispering takes form based on the person’s real needs at this moment. It can include massage, energy treatment and/or knowledge.Access Bars is a treatment, where 32 specific points in the patients head are used to release issues from the human ecosystem. These issues are things that are no longer needed, such as decisions, evaluations, beliefs and prejudices.


Duration: 45min

Price: 40e

Bojan Babic (SRB) . -

Thai Yoga Massage


Also known as the “Sacred dance”is a unique form of healing, combining acupressure, passive stretching and massage. Through the means of loving kindness and concious touch, thai yoga massage frees the flow of vital energy, creating physical and emotional balance while a deep sense of peace is experienced during and after the massage.

Duration : 80 min

Price : 60 e

Risto-Matti .



Risto-Matti has been doing profound channeled healing treatments since 1998.

Methods include acupressure and other bodywork, sound healing, and channeling of high-vibrational healing energies.

Treatments can and will be directed to any level of your being, including emotional, and higher spiritual levels, as well as to physical issues.


Duration/price: 50min, 25 €

Duration/price: 1h 45min, 55 €

Arja Aiju Kivekäs .

Helping others, reaching and finding own boundaries, nature, children, animals, clean nutrition, yoga, meditation, music, enjoying life and holism, are important things to me.

Intuitive quantum crystal treatment


The patient lies under a blanket on the treatment table. Usually I start the treatment with a gentle foot massage and by simultaneously touching the patient’s energies. Then I continue by nursing from near or far depending on the situation. Sometimes I use crystals during the treatment. I might also use suggestion that is, saying healing thoughts while the patient is in a relaxed state of mind. I perform the treatment based on quantum consciousness, meaning that I give attention to health. As what receives attentions, becomes stronger.


Duration: 30min

Price: 20e

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